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Excerpt of RAMPAGE

Frustration and anger boiled over in Detective Kuan-Yin Lui as he pounded his fist on the desk. Papers, files and memory sticks flew onto the floor as everyone in the small squad room jumped, startled by the outburst.

“Forty five cases since November!” Lui shouted as he stood up. “Eighty seven people dead and countless others injured and we are still no closer to finding out what’s going on.”

Kuan-Yin Lui was born in Henan Province in China, and was not accustomed to public outbursts. Growing up in Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan Province, Kuan-Yin Lui lived his life in what one would call a ‘privileged lifestyle’.

His parents were both Party members in the Central Committee, well placed and well educated. He was allowed to attend the best schools; and be present at party functions, associating with high officials. He was taught from an early age that you did not show your feelings in a public environment. You learned to hide ones emotions.

He was not accustomed to let his emotions get in the way of doing his job. Lui even developed a nickname with many of his friends referring to him as the Chinese Spock; where logic and the purging of emotions were part of your normal routine and nature.

“Lui!” yelled Inspector Karpov. “If you’re through beating up on your desk, get in my office.” The Inspector stood by his open door, hands on his hips. After a moment, he lowered his aggressive posture to a more inviting stance, gestured with his head toward the inner office.

Inspector Karpov, a twenty five year veteran of the Ottawa Police Services, was solidly built at one point nine meters and even without trying he came across as intimidating and one to be dreaded. It was something he used to his advantage when the situation required. This however was not one of those times so he adjusted his posture and tone.

“Anderson, you’re also invited to this meeting.”

Staff Sergeant Jeffery Anderson, Lui’s junior partner was trying to speak with someone on the phone while taking notes through the din in the squad room. He was having a hard time hearing the person on the other end of the call.

He responded to the Inspector with a wave of his hand as he held up his index finger indicating he’d be there in a moment.

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