William DeSouza - Author, Writer, Blogger, Podcaster, Speaker

Historical Truth

Human Frailty
"Human frailty is the stuff of legends and strength but only when viewed in hindsight. In the 'moment', it is seen as weakness. Humanity is flawed in the way we perceive the difference in the here and now compared to the legends of history. Today is as much history as yesterday."
by William DeSouza (10 March 2013)
"History and truth are interwoven in the fabric of humanity. Humanity however tends to stretch Historical truth like cheap spandex on an overweight wrestler. Its time humanity treats history with the respect it deserves."
by William DeSouza (03 February 2011)
We are children, youth, adults, men and women. We seek wisdom with age and dream of our youth. We learn from the wise; the poor service the rich. The sick, mental, disabled, terminal, blind, deaf and mute. Left wing, right wing and the center are political stripes and positions in sports. Black, white, red, yellow and brown; colours of the rainbow.
We have labeled all facets of Humanity but forget that we are Human underneath it all.
We neglect what is important yet we remem...ber and glorify the trivial.
Humanity is greater than the sum of our labels; we are Human first and foremost above all else. To forget this is to fail as a species.
We must question not what we are, but who we are.
We must rise up above our past and break through to the future where we are free of the labels that chain us to the present.
William DeSouza 2014
"Worrying about the future defeats the purpose of living in the present. You have to live and act on the 'now' as this is the only time you can control. Its too late to affect the past and the future is only determined by the present. Stop being anxious, stop asking what if, and enjoy the moment. Work for only the now."
William DeSouza 2014


Enjoy The Moment
The following is a selection of Quotations and Prose (good and bad) by me over the years. I'm not sure why, but from time to time these 'things' just pop into my head and if I'm not fast enough recording them; they are gone just as quickly. Enjoy them; and I'd love to hear your own thoughts on my thoughts...
"Dreams and nightmares are the oasis of reality. They are a place for the mind to escape; where the familiar become unfamiliar and the mundane becomes an adventure."
William DeSouza (September 2014)

It is said that as we get older we get wiser. But does wisdom truly come with age?
I don't believe so; I believe that wisdom comes from the mind no matter what the age.
Wisdom is imagination; it is the ability to rise above your limitations; it is the human ability to expand your comfort zone. Wisdom is taking charge of your your own future.
by William DeSouza (08 October 2014)

As Humanity reaches out to the stars we must not forget to reach inward as well. As we seek out the nature of the universe, we must also seek out the nature of ourselves.
Humanity is flawed and fragile with too many competing interests. We are divided and blind to the truth of who we are and what our potential can be.
We must come together and shed ourselves from hate, fear, and greed. If Humanity is to flourish, we must end the divisions that keeps us chained to the past. ...
We must learn from our failures of the past and correct the life we have in the present. We have no future if we continue down this path.
The universe is open for us to explore, but only if we begin with improving the space we occupy now.
by William DeSouza (08 October 2014)

Reaching Out
What controls us is not always rational thought; for we have both a mind and a heart. The mind is logical, methodical, and calculating. The heart is emotional, impulsive, and rash. We must find balance between the two; there must be rational tempered with compassion. Only then can we know that our choices and conclusions are sound.
by William DeSouza (08 October 2014)

Heart & Mind
Humanities labels divide us at the same time they create a place for us to hide. We can not continue to conceal our fears for they are already uncovered and opened like the scab of a puss filled wound. Hatred of our differences, fear of the unknown; they fill us with hostility and repulsion to pull us apart.
by William DeSouza (14 October 2014)

Lables 2
The harder we try to maintain our Humanity, the more difficult it is for us to be Human.
We should not have to work at our Humanity. If we have to maintain it, then we have already lost It.
by William DeSouza (14 October 2014)