William DeSouza - Author, Writer, Blogger, Podcaster, Speaker
Recent Website Changes
Blog Updated (24/09/2017)
The Steampunk short story excerpt THE GAME has been updated and reposted on the Blog for you to read. It consists of the first few paragraphs only, and yes, it is not much to go on, but I hope it sets the tone of the story yet to come. I'll let you know as soon as its completed and will make it available for all to read.
New Blog Post added today - Historical Inaccuracies of the World is going to be a new feature that I'll add to over time - Enjoy
An update to the Blog page is completed and the essay THE FAST FOOD GENERATION: LIVE IN FIVE MINUTES OR LESS has been added.
"It seems that as a species, humans have an ingrain genetic tendency to rush through life in what can only be called a futile attempt at squeezing out twenty-five hours in a twenty-four-hour day. We have become a collective generation of impulsive, hurried individuals, wanting life in five minutes or less - hence, the fast food generation."
DEATH'S DOOR: Where Right and Glory Lead
03 March 2015
Order your paperback or eBook copy of Death's Door: Where Right and Glory Lead now from Amazon
This is your chance to get in on the begining of the hottest new sci-fi military drama to hit the market.
Heather Brassard and her fellow troopers are tasked to find and eliminate a few pirates causing havoc in the shipping lanes of the Confederation. There will always be those who insist that it is their right to greed and power after all. What Brassard finds however will shock the government and military of the New Confederation to its core. There is far more to the pirates than meets the eye, as no pirate should be that well armoured and none should have fleet weapons of mass destruction. Only one group will stand in the path of those bent on the complete destruction of Earth and its government – the men and women of the Terrain Armed Forces. Trooper Brassard and her platoon struggle with issues around life, death, fear, love and greed as they fight for survival in a conflict that threatens to spiral out of control.
You Can Now Review My Books
19 October 2014
By visiting Manic Readers at http://manicreaders.com/WilliamDeSouza/ you will be able to directly review and leave comments about my books.
You will also be able to see a (very) short sample excerpt on that page. I will only be using that however for samples and reviews so check back here for more detailed information on upcoming releases and other information.
Websiite Update
07 November 2014
The website has been updated with a new EVENTS section. This is where you will see any special events like book launches, book signings, or other personal appearances.
Check back regularly to see if there are any updates.
Excerpt from 'The Game' Added to Blog
18 October 2014
I began a short story some time ago as an exercise. It was titled 'The Chase' and I pretty much let it go unfinished. Its still unfinished but I've resurrected it and will be moving forward with the aim to complete it by the end of this year.
It is a Steampunk short, my first by-the-way, and I look forward to sharing the final product here. In the mean time, check out my Blog page and read a (very) short excerpt.
New Quotations Added....
18 October 2014
More thoughts and inspirations to temp the senses and mind. A feast for the eyes, a meal for the brain. Click on the Quotations page and enjoy.
Updated HR Trailer Added For Death's Door
17 October 2014
I have added an updated HD trailer for the Death's Door novel. Check it out on the Blog Page.
I'd like to get your opinion so feel free to comment.
New Quotations Added
08 October 2014
Thoughts and inspiration and the expansion of the mind is what is offered in the updated QUOTATIONS section.
I have added a couple of new quotes and as always, your own thoughts are always welcome.

NEW Book Trailer for Death's Door Added
04 October 2014
I've updated the Blog page with some new content and a link to Solstice Shadows Publishing video for some new releases.
Stay tuned for more updates very soon with some more exciting news on the upcoming rereleaseate for the sci-fi novel 'Death's Door: Where Right and Glory Lead' and the roromanticovella 'Jamaican Heat'.

Blog Updated with New Content
04 October 2014
I've updated the Blog page with some new content and a link to Solstice Shadows Publishing video for some new releases.
Stay tuned for more updates very soon with some more exciting news on the upcoming rereleaseate for the sci-fi novel 'Death's Door: Where Right and Glory Lead' and the roromanticovella 'Jamaican Heat'.

Quotations and Prose Page Added
02 October 2014
From time to time I get creative, well, as much as I can anyway. I will be inspired by some sight or sound or event and I just have to write down my thoughts.
I will add my quotes or prose on this page and hope you will also take some time to pprovidesome ffeedbackwith your own thoughts on my thoughts.

My New & Improved Website Goes Live
02 October 2014
Today is the day - Welcome to my new and very improved website. I am still in the process of adding to it and expanding what is available. I am also very much in the early stages of editing, so if you happen to come access a misspelled word, grammar or missing link (not that kind of missing link), please provide feedback and let me know.
I will also be updating the site address in the coming months to just my name as I transition from the old site to this one (eeffectivelyshorting the URL and making it easier to find).